Rough Works Cited Page showing that Vitamin D (Through Antimicrobial Polypeptides) might be a major Player (Some are new and have not been peer reviewed yet).  For the record, currently there is no data that directly points to Vitamin D Deficiency as being a risk factor.  This page is for informational purposes only and puts lots of data at your finger tips and may help you understand Enveloped Respiratory Viruses

Upper Respiratory Infections Seasonality and Latitude Studies including Covid 19 Infection:

(a)(Editorial: Low population mortality from Covid-19 in countries south of latitude 35 degrees (Posted 04/20/20 Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics)

(b)Temperature, Humidity and Latitude Analysis to Predict Spread and Seasonality for Covid-19 (Posted 03/09/20 SSRN)

(c)High Temperature and high Humidity Reduce the Transmission of Covid-19 (Posted 03/10/20 SSRN)

(d)Latitude Dependence of the COVID-19 Mortality Rate—A Possible Relationship to Vitamin D Deficiency?(Posted 03/27/20)

What Makes Vitamin D So Important? (Anti Microbial Poly Peptide Signaling Through Vitamin D)

(e)The Big Vitamin D Mistake (Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health  May 10, 2017)

(f)Antimicrobial implications of Vitamin D. Explains Vit D and the Antimicrobial Peptides (AMP) great study from 2011 (Think Cathelicidin aka LL-37 and Beta Defensin.) (Posted on 10/01/11 Taylor & Francis)

(fa) Defensins and Cathelicidines in lung immunity (2010)

(fb) Human Antimicrobial Peptides as Therapeutics for Viral Infections (August 2019)

(fc)The Vitamin D-antimicrobial peptide pathway and its role in protection against infection (Nov. 2009)

(g)Editorial – Vitamin D status: a key modulator of innate immunity and natural defense from acute viral respiratory infections (ERMPS 2020)

The Study Below kind of reinvents the wheel that Vitamin D has been upregulating for as long as we have been around

(h)Performance evaluation of antimicrobial peptides LL-37 and hepcedin and B-Defensin-2 secreted by mesnchymal stem cells (Posted 10/23/2019 Heliyon)

Dr. Been from Dr. Been Medical Lectures does an incredible job explaining how Vitamin D can help put your body in the best possible position to take on Sars Cov-2

(i)Dr. Been Lecture on Vitamin D on youtube.

When the Links in the Chain Start to Connect

(j)Is Vitamin D an Important biomarker for symptom severity in covid -19 (see the third reference in this study)

(Ja)Vitamin D deficiency as risk factor for severe COVID-19:a convergence of two pandemics

(k)Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe Covid-19

(l)Vitamin D Level of Mild and Severe Elderly Cases of Covid-19: Preliminary Report

(la) Vitamin D Supplementation Could Possibly Improve Clinical Outcomes in Covid 19 (Mark Alipio)

(lb)The Possible Role of Vitamin D in Suppressing Cytokin Storm and Associated Mortality...

This one is going to be very telling when all the data is in.

(m)MUSC College of Medicine Vitamin D Research Team to Study Connection to Covid-19

 Below is absolutely fascinating reading.

  1. Role of Vitamin D in Pathogensis and Severity of Covid-19  (Posted 04/20/20 PrePrints)

  2. Considerations for Obesity, Vitamin D, and Physical activity amidst the Covid-19 pandemic  (Posted 04/16/20 Wiley Online)

  3. The Role of Vitamin D in Prevention of Coronavirus Desease 2019 infection and Mortality. (Posted 4/08/20 Research Square)

  4.  Antimicrobial Peptides in Host Defense against Drug-Resistant Bacterial and Viral Infections 
    (Volume 27 , Issue 9 , 2020 - Current Medicinal Chemistry)

  5.  Harnessing powers of genomics to build molecular maps of coronavirus targets in human cells: a guide for existing drug repurposing and experimental studies identifying candidate therapeutics to mitigate the pandemic COVID-19.  (Posted 01/04/20 ChemRxiv)

  6.  Optimisation of Vitamin D Status for Enhanced Immuno-protection Against Covid-19 ( Ir Med J; Vol 113; No. 4; P58 2020

  7. The role of Vitamin D in the prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 infection and mortality (posted 04-07-20 Research Square)

  8. Rhuematoligists Perpective on Cornavirus Disease...(Covid-19)  (Posted 04/10/20 Springer Link)

  9. Health Risks and potoential remedies during lockdowns for coronavirus disease 2019 (Posted 04/07/2020 DE Gruyter)

  10. Individual risk managament stratedy and potential therapeutic options for the COVID-19 Pandemic (Posted 04/07/20  Clinical Immunology)

  11. Prevalence of COVID-19: A Look behind the Scenes  (Posted 04/10/20 Pre Prints)

  12. Letter to the Editor (  Review article: gastrointestinal features in COVID‐19 and the possibility of faecal transmission. ) (Posted 04/12/20 Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics)

  13. Serum Calcium as a biomarker for clinical severity and prognosis.  ( "Hypocalcemia may be associated with VD and PTH" in Covid 19 infection in conclusion) (Posted 03/17/20 Research Square) How do you talk about low Calcium levels and not look deeper into vitamin D deficeincy?

  14. Editorial – Vitamin D status: a key modulator of innate immunity and natural defense from acute viral respiratory infections ( Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2020)

Someone, Please Study Vitamin D Deficiency as a possible Risk Factor for not only Covid-19, but for most Enveloped Respiratory Pathogens!!!  Especially in Black and Minority Populations who are worse off coming out of winter due to having more melanin in their skin which increases the odds of Vitamin D deficiency.